
Courses cost money and tie up human resources, while the results are often difficult to measure. This is seldom due to the quality of the course. The problem is that participants have very specific expectations. Frequently only a small segment of what is taught can be put into practice. To ensure the best possible return on investment, LOG CONNECT AG offers target-oriented in-house training courses tailored to the specific needs of the company.

We offer practice-oriented workshops on how to deal with specific problems. LOG CONNECT AG’s neutral, “external” position enables it to deal with sensitive topics in an open, efficient manner.

One-off courses often have an unfortunate “flash in the pan” effect. They warm briefly, but the habitual cold soon returns. This can be remedied through ongoing coaching, where theoretical knowledge is refreshed in relation to examples from daily work, until the desired long-term effect sets in.

The most problematic phase in recruiting new staff is naturally the first few weeks after they have been hired. Lack of human resources or loss of know-how when a former staff member leaves make it difficult to provide sound training, preventing new staff from unfolding their full potential. In such cases, experienced LOG CONNECT AG trainers pilot the new staff through the rough entry waters by means of on-the-job training until they acquire a full command of their tasks.


In-house courses (on the client’s premises) are always tailored to the specific needs of the company. Sustainable, practice-oriented learning has priority. This keeps costs within manageable limits.


Workshop leaders engage participants in active learning and solution-seeking processes. Latent knowledge is activated, any conflicts are resolved, and specific rules are developed.


Not unlike a trainer of athletes, the coach builds on the existing knowledge and capacities of the team players and encourages top performance.


The job description has been written, the candidate has been found. However, little or no time is available to train him. External specialists make sure that the warm-up period is as short as possible and that the best “lap time” is achieved from the start.
